How to check FACEBOOK ID is fake or Real ?
The fake peoples share a good looking photos with others, there is nice option for check photo source, You can gain more details about that photo from below method.
1. Just open google and click on Images option there, you will see images option at right-top corner on
2. Click on images and upload pic for the person you want to check.
3. The google result will show similar images and details. So you can check the images really belong to that person or not ?
4. If the image are taken from internet, website you will get same images from google search.
Many peoples are on Internet gives to false information about there Name (fake name ), Religion (Hide Religion), Birth Date (To Hide Real age), Address (Fake Address). Their intention is firstly making you his/her friend and than ask for personal data and information, and images then they can use it to blackmail you and your family. So it's always better to keep aware and protect yourself from such fake peoples on internet, Facebook.
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