Mortal Kombat 11 is finally here! Let’s take a deep dive into the basics of the game. Perfecting these mechanics will allow you to get better at MK11 and transition from a casual player to a competitive player!
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All fighting games have their own notation system and MK11 is no different. Understanding and implementing notations makes communicating about the game much easier and allows for cross platform discussion. The notations for MK11 are listed below in the illustration.
Part 1: The Basics
Normals and Pokes
Normals are short for “normal moves”. These attacks are the base of a character. You need to understand how to implement these moves properly in order to fully utilize a character’s tool set.
High attacks can be crouched and will whiff if the opponent is not holding the block button. Crouching attacks will go under high attacks.
Mid attacks cannot be crouched and must be blocked. Some moves can “low profile” or go under some mids. In most cases though, a mid will stuff out a low attack.
Low attacks hit low and must be blocked low.
Overheads are the opposite of low attacks. You must stand to block an overhead attack.
Mixing up high and low attacks can force your opponent to guess. These are called 50 50 situations. These are implemented differently depending on your character.
When choosing a normal consider the range, recovery and how quickly the move starts up.
Jump Ins and Anti Airing
Jumping in MK11 is rather slow and floaty. This makes reacting to jump ins a lot easier than in previous games. The jumper must carefully space and time their jump in order to successfully execute a jump in attack without being punished. You cannot block while in the air, so this leaves a jumping opponent wide open to attacks.
Most character’s D2, or uppercut, work great for knocking an opponent out of the air, but practice all of your attacks against jumping opponents. This will help you to find what works best. Some anti air attacks can lead to combos. Those are ideal.
Walking back is also a great way to punish jumpers because as the opponent lands they go through recovery frames and cannot block.
JIK moves seem to be the most difficult to anti air. They don’t typically lead to huge damage unless in the corner. JIP attacks however can link into faster normals and strings for a full combo, but they are easier to anti air in most (but not all) cases.
You can also flawless block a jump in attack and execute a Flawless Block Punish. We will discuss this tool later in the article.
In Mortal Kombat 11, throws are considered high attacks. This means you can crouch while not holding block and they will whiff. You can also counter them with low attacks. When it comes to teching (breaking) throws, Mortal Kombat 11 uses a 50 50 system.
You have the ability to throw an opponent forward or backward. This is done by hitting the throw button (Or 1+3) and the corresponding direction on the D Pad. In order to tech, you must guess the direction the opponent will throw you. To tech forward throws hit the 2 button. To tech a backward throw hit the 1 button.
Be aware that many characters have Krushing Blows (More on these below) linked to wrong throw tech guessing. Teching a throw can often times be risky because of this. Another thing to keep in mind is screen positioning. If someone has their back to the corner and throws you, in most cases they will use a back throw to reverse sides and put you in the corner. High level players often times use the ultimate mind game tactic of throwing their opponent opposite of where it would be most logical. The mind games behind throws is huge in this game. Master it!
Dashing is a quick way to move through space. You can dash both forward and backward. You can cancel your dashes into any normal, special move or block. The dash cancel is important to practice in order to cut the dash short or cut down space to punish moves that have push back on block. You can also use the dash cancel in order to extend certain combos during launches.
The walk speed in the game is rather good. Walking in and out of an opponent’s range is going to pay big dividends in MK11. This type of tactic will make it easier to hit your opponent as they whiff moves. Learn the optimal ranges for each character and implement this knowledge accordingly in each specific match up.
Mortal Kombat 11 has a string based combo system. This means that certain attacks are hit in succession to allow the string of moves to come out. Each string has a different timing. It is important to learn the input windows for each of your character’s strings.
You can also cancel many strings into special moves. This can extend combos and damage, especially if you cancel into special moves that launch your opponent.
Special Moves and Hit Confirming
By inputting specific directional inputs combined with an attack button, a player can pull off a special move. Special moves all have different properties and are specific to each character.
Special moves can cancel the recovery of certain attacks or strings. To cancel into a special move, simply input the special move before the last frames of your attack. The timing on this does vary so be sure to practice the execution with your character.
Safe special moves are great and allow you to utilize typically unsafe moves at low risk. Cancel all unsafe moves into safe special moves for a low risk style of gameplay.
Hit confirming is huge in MK11. A hit confirm is when you use an attack or string that allows for you to visually see and confirm that those moves are either blocked or hit the opponent. If you see that your attack lands, cancel into the special move that does the most damage. These are typically your launching special moves. If you visually see your attack or string being blocked, cancel into the safe move. Mastering this is key to high level play.
Part 2: Krushing Blow and Fatal Blow
Krushing Blow
A series of requirements have to be met before you can activate a krushing blow. The requirements are specific to each KB and are different for each character. You can find these requirements in the move list.
Be sure to turn on the controller setting that allows you to manually activate the krushing blows by holding the button. This setting will allow you to choose when to activate the krushing blow and will help you use them more efficiently.
Some Krushing Blows launch the opponent for potent combo potential. Go into practice mode and practice extending damage off of these KBs. It will be vital to your success.
Fatal Blow
Fatal blows are extremely damaging and can completely swing the tides of a match. You gain access to the fatal blow once your health meter reaches 30%. Fatal blows can be used in combo or used all on their own. The first few frames of the fatal blow are not invincible and they do not have armor. You can’t mash out a fatal blow like you could an X Ray in Mortal Kombat X. Armor doesn’t activate on these moves until frame 5.
You will only have access to the Fatal Blow mechanic once per fight. Once it lands, you lose it. If it whiffs or is blocked it will regenerate over time.
It is best to use the FB wisely, because once it lands you no longer have access to it.
Part 3: Stamina Bars (Meter) and Wake Up Options
Each player has four stamina bars. Two bars are for offense and two bars are for defense. The stamina bars build back over time and are tied to many moves in the game.
Offensive Meter
On the offensive side you can amplify moves to enhance their properties. This usually takes 1 bar of offensive meter to do, but sometimes it will take two. Amplifying a move can cause more damage, launch for combos, or may add some other type of enhancement depending on your character and the special move.
Some moves in the game are not accessible at all unless you spend meter. These are typically moves with major benefits and payoffs.
Defensive Meter
The defensive meter has many uses as well.
For one bar of defensive meter you can use an environment interaction.
When knocked down, one bar of defensive meter allows you to utilize an invincible forward or backward roll. These rolls are great for whiff punishing over zealous opponents as they attack during wake up situations. The only way for your opponent to stuff out your roll would be to use a throw. Both regular throws and command grabs will throw a rolling opponent. This is very important to know for both offensive and defensive purposes.
For the cost of two defensive meters you can break away from launching combos. This causes your character to gain armor and drop to the ground. The breakaway minimizes combo damage and if you time your breakaway properly you can even punish your opponent as they recover.
Some wake up options in this game will cost you both offensive and defensive meter. For an invincible mid hit U+3 while on the ground. U+2 will launch your opponent but this move is unsafe and has no invincibility. Both of these options cost one bar of offensive and defensive meter. You can also utilize these moves following a flawless block for a flawless block punish.
There is a final option during wake up situations that requires no stamina, and that is the delay get up. When you hold the L2 (Stance Switch) button your character will delay getting up off of the ground. You cannot perform a wake up attack in this state but the delay can throw off your opponent’s timing when trying to pressure you on knock down.
Part 4: Flawless Block
To execute flawless block, you must press the block button just before an attack lands. Flawless block allows for a faster recovery and reduces chip damage. It can allow you to punish attacks that are normally safe.
You can also cancel a flawless block into a flawless punish. You can do this by inputting U+2 or U+3 immediately following a flawless block. To execute these punishes you must use an offensive and defensive meter.
Part 5: Short Hop
The short hop is a quick, short jump that can lead to an overhead attack. These moves are typically unsafe but have decent mix up potential. If you short hop and do not attack, you can often get your opponent to block high for the overhead short hop attack. If you go right into a low attack upon landing often times this will hit because your opponent cannot react quickly enough to the empty short hop. Short hops are also great for low crushing attacks. A low crush is when your character goes above a low attack while hitting the opponent.
Part 6: Last Breath Mechanic
Chip can lead to death in Mortal Kombat 11. Chip damage is inflicted when attacks are blocked. The Last Breath Mechanic allows for a kombatant to absorb up to hits of chip damage before death. Each of these his will absorb a full bar of defensive meter. The defensive meter will also not come back for the entirety of that round. Keep this in mind not only when playing defense and trying to survive, but when you attempt to chip out your opponent to seal a round.
If new mechanics are introduced post launch I will be sure to update this page with the most current information.